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Chapter- 23: HER Name

"My love! aren’t you gonna stay here for some couple of days more!" said a very womanly voice with vinous sweetness! 

General Tseraf smiled, reclining over the pile of pillows under his back. A lazy, relaxing day for him which is very unusual. 

The Grand Marshal has almost forcibly sent him to vacation as he was almost forgetting that there is something called personal life! 

His finger gently stroking the woman beside him.Her soft glowing brownish skin is glowing with the dim light piercing through the heavy curtains. General Tseraf replied with the same lazy smile, 

: "Yes my dear, that’s what I am planning. And you will be happy to hear that I still have some more days left for fun!" 

: "Then why do you look so gloomy? Aren’t you enjoying my company!" said the woman with a voice pretending to be hurt. 

: " Yes! Of course! How can I not enjoy such the company of such an enchanting lady!" he tilted her chin and put a gentle kiss on her lips.

Then he got up from the bed grabbing his cloak.

: "Want to have a drink Sofee?"

: "Would love that"


This woman is with is no ordinary woman. She One of the 10 General of The Grand Marshal, Sofeeya of Moysa.

General Sofeeya is very a amazing woman. 

Hardworking surprising stamina with a passionate and dedicated heart. But, she is very kind on her job, too kind to ignore some trouble while later actually her own kindness bite her back.

: "You look irritated! Everything all right!"

: "well! I am not irritated! I just..."

: "you just...?" Sofeeya asked arching an eyebrow.

: "I have been thinking, these days I am having weirdly relaxing days even at my work!" General Tseraf said with a grim voice while handing over the drink to her.

: "Aaaand...why is it not comfortable? " General Sofeeya said it softly while taking a sip from her glass.

A long sigh came out from General Tseraf. 

: Not for me I guess! As if The Grand Marshal is deliberately keeping me away from everything.

: "Isn’t it a good thing! Staying close to her is quite exhausting, don't you think! Specially for you!" said General Sofeeya with a careful voice 

"Well! Not really! I am very used to being overwhelmingly occupied by the M'lady. But suddenly I feel like I have No freaking works to do at all!"

Sofeeya struggled to hide her indignant expression. Frustration and anger growing inside of her!

 "Tschk!! Bleeding hell! What's going on in her mind! why do I feel like she is deliberately ignoring me!" said Tseraf with a bitter cold voice.

General Sofeeya exactly knows what he meant by that! And here she is thinking, as The Grand Marshal is almost deliberately cutting off her once most favourite General, maybe she'll be able to take over Tseraf a little by little! 

Sofia's skin crawled with sheer hatred and deep despair, barely holding on her tears.

"Do you..." Sofeeya stopped midway, hesitated for a moment.Tseraf looked at her, arching one eye brow!

Finally General Sofeeya gathered enough courage to complete the sentence.

"Do you... LOVE her!" Her voice shaked out of anger and frustration. 


General Tseraf frowned with a cautious look in his eyes. 

: "Who!?" He put an extra weight to this word as if to indirectly admonish Sofeeya not to go further on this conversation.

Sofia suddenly realized maybe everything between Tseraf and her just will be finished with this one word she is going to say now!

But she is ridiculously deep in love with this man regardless their professional relation. While he doesn’t have a shred of feelings for her.

Even though... even though she tried in every possible way to seduce him, to make him fall in love with her. Northing worked on this damn womanizer! 

Everything she has been working on, bit by bit for so many days... enduring all the agony of his arrogant nonchalance; was probably going to put an end with this one damn name! 

Tseraf saw her, struggling between condemnation and yearnings. He tried to help her saying, 

: "Hey! Just forget it okay! Just nevermind!

But Sofeeya is beyond saving right now. Derived by the anger and sadness, she grabbed all her strength to answer of his " Who?" 

: The Grand Marshal. 

The fluctuation in General Tserafs' change of expressions, was priceless! 



Book-1: Conspiracy in Raven Hall  

Book Series: Journey of an Adamant Queen


  1. Hey, I really like your writing style. You can draw vivid images with words.
    However, I am confused about the timeline of this story. The use of lanterns, parchment etc. suggest at least medieval era on the other hand designation like "MINISTRY OF FINANCIAL AFFAIRS" suggests rather modern time. Also the use of word like 'pissed', 'freaking' etc. makes the timeline feels like rather close to current time. So, what is the timeline of the story?

    1. Thank you very much sir for taking your time to read and think about it.
      Not that medieval era didn’t have this part. There was in some part of the world has always surprising intelligence.
      Let's say in China and surrounding empire even in some ancient time, they'd used Ministry and those smart words. I can tell you for a Fantasy story, these aren’t odds.
      However, about the choosing of words, you are absolutely keen.
      You see I am not really good at English 😶 So for now all I am doing is putting the ideas into words. I don’t even know this thing has any future. Therefore, this is something (I mean if I dare to say😆) we can take care of if I can publish the book.

      Again thank you for your time to take all of these into consideration and care to enlighten me.


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