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Prologue: Conspiracy in Raven Hall

In one quite, peaceful evening, The Grand Marshal was rejoicing her time in her study hall. 

The door of the study hall was slightly open; open enough to have a sneaky glimpse into the inside of the hall.


General Tseraf of Serijah was passing by.

He paused one moment by the door and peeked through the entrance.

With the shimmering light of the glowing lanterns, he can discern that even though the Grand Marshal is staring at the parchment in her hands, isn't really reading anything at all.

Tseraf chuckled thinking, "heeeh! Even though she is adroit and expressionless when overseeing one the most dangerous part of the Kingdom, I assume occasionally she can be relaxed enough to let her guard down, hmm!"

And within those couple of seconds, suddenly he felt that something is off... in her expression. Something... alarming! 

"What is it that I missing! Regret? Agony? Anger?General Tseraf frowned pondering for a moment .


General Tseraf made a prudent coughing sound to apprise his presence. 

Unexpectedly he saw a smile in her lips but merely for a fraction of a second. It is restored by the usual solemn reserve mask of unwavering professionalism right away.

Without glancing at the door, she frowned and said, 

: Why do you have to interrupt my solidarity, you nouuusy devil!

: Honorable Grand Marshal!! Long live her reign!" General Tseraf said opening the door a little more while bowing with an indulged smirk on his face! 

: well well! Come on in and sit. I remembered something to discuss.


After half an hour finishing the official discussion, she nonchalantly said, 

: General Tseraf! You have to come back from this mission as soon as you can. I'll be in need of you here so that I can take a break.

: No...t to worry a thing, M'lady. I'll be back in no time. (Said the General with a big smile) 

: I believe you can handle everything by yourself here. However, I want you to fetch the odds to show everyone your competency and efficiency.

The alarm... he was thinking of before entering the room; that alarm rang harder!!!

"Seven bleeding hell!" cursed General Tseraf in his head. 

And he can precisely infer that whatsoever she implied by those nonchalant words or didn’t; this isn’t a random simple compliment from The Grand Marshal to her favourite subordinate General.

He knows that she has been trotting ONLY the briery road all alone, being penetrated in every inches along with back stabbing betrayal by almost everyone around her! He damn knows very well. 

Yet still...still this doesn’t make sense!

And the worst part here right now is he cannot presumably say or ask something. Nonetheless, he attempted attempted a desperate effort to make.

: "M'lady! Pardon my impudence for being talkative! You know, my mother used to say- ' show your consistency and fight for your rightful place and prove them what you are capable of!"

The Grand Marshal stared at him for a second, trying to comprehend what he is trying to imply! However, a thin line of smile spread into her lips right away.

An ordinary, simple smile. But that said everything out loud more than words. Obvious enough to realize that she is gradually... giving up. 

"God damn it!! I was right! damn it" the General cursed again. 


He gazed into her eyes again... the form of tormenting pain that gnawing her, piercing every second. He can see it all there crystal clear. He felt like someone grabbed his heart with a powerful fist that made him dizzy to function for a moment! 

She laughed...almost giggling like a teenage girl! 

: I truly appreciate your concern. But my ideology is different General Tseraf. First, I am too upfront to act polite while being a stealthy back stabber. And second, when I fight for anything, I fight with all my might. But the moment I think it’s enough, I am too sluggish to revoke!" Meherya Rezjlexiya, The Grand Marshal answered with the same big smile! 

General Tseraf sat there, perplexed, angry but mostly helpless! 

If the Grand Marshal leave, of course Her highness will find her replacement. But none of us can definitely any other person being the Grand Marshal. 

It might sound very cheesy or cliche, but damn she is not just a person fulfilling the responsibility of the position for The Grand Marshal.

Rather Meherya Rezjlexiya herself is the position. 

To everyone in this Re-life Dynasty, as long as there is Raven Hall, the Grand Marshal itself is Meherya Rezjlexiya.



Book-1:🖤Conspiracy in Raven Hall🖤

Book Series:💜 Journey of an Adamant Queen💜


  1. Replies
    1. Wow!!!! Thank you so very much Sir for your feedback. Means a lot.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so very much. Please support furthermore and get me with the feedback of new upcoming chapters

  3. I am very very impressed girl!!

    1. Thank you so very much for your time.
      Please keep supporting with you well wish and important suggestions

  4. Replies
    1. As if making fun of me would sooth your soul 🙄

    2. Eh! You know I don't do that :3


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